COMBO Golden Blend (500g) And Strong Blend (500g) From 1952 Coffee Chikmagalur
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COMBO Golden Blend (500g) And Strong Blend (500g) From 1952 Coffee Chikmagalur
STRONG BLEND -1952 Coffee
Details: True to its name Strong blend coffees are roasted to a lovely chocolate brown in our roasting spectrum. This highlights its unassuming and cheerful sweetness and balanced nutty finish. Strong Blend brews dark and intense, has 40% chicory which suits well for Homes, Canteens, and Restaurants who demand a much stronger and thicker cup. This blend gives more number of cups in comparison to our other blends due to its intense flavour and strength. It Is called by names: Indian Coffee, Filter Coffee, Degree Coffee, Decoction Coffee, Chicory Coffee, Breakfast Coffee, Chikmagalur Coffee, Milk and Sugar Coffee, Brown Coffee.